PODCAST EP 040- ZONING & Your Custom Home

Zoning Regulations with guest Jared Akers

When building a custom home, A significant step in your home's predesign phase is researching the property's zoning regulations. Research involves determining which jurisdictions govern the building process on your property and understanding the construction's size, density, and municipal restrictions. Zoning maps play a critical role in determining the type of area the property falls under, such as residential, commercial, mixed-use, industrial, or agricultural. Overall, zoning regulations are a crucial aspect of custom home building that must be carefully considered and followed.

Today is zoning day on the CARD podcast, and even more exciting, JD is here with Jared Akers, a project manager who handles a lot of the zoning stuff. Jared is not only a project architect but also went to the University of Florida with JD, making him adept at all aspects of architecture. With his expertise in zoning, JD thought it would be great to have him on the show for their discussion. Stay tuned for more insights.

Here are key things to listen out for:

● How to use zoning codes

● Zoning regulations and ADUs

● Three different scenarios of zoning, as told by Jared

● Zoning and protection of natural features

 Key Highlights

[00:00:00] Introduction to today's guest and topic: Jared Akers talking about zoning

[00:03:19] Agricultural part of a zoning

[00:05:32] Can you first build an Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU)?

[00:11:58] Practical example of zoning in a house in Orange County

[00:16:56] Variances within a zoning

[00:20:04] Roof and driveway of the house in Winter Park in New England

Notable Quotes

● Most people have a property in mind for building a house, but the first question is, "What can I do with this property?". Talk with the local planning and zoning department personnel, as they can provide the most helpful information.

● Architects integrate the natural environment into your design to create a meaningful interplay with the surroundings.

● Don't be discouraged if you first hear a 'no' when proposing something for your custom home. Persistence and gathering more information may turn it into a 'yes" or innovative way of achieving the results you initially desired. Remember, don't take everything at face value, and continue working through the process.

● Gravity's presence in architecture excites it and creates beauty through our fight and with the rules. The rules created by people also contribute to the aesthetics of architecture.

● If you already own the property, there's a reason you're attracted to it. Own the rules and everything on it, and we'll work together to sculpt it into something beautiful.


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Website: https://www.ca-rd.com/

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To Connect with Jared:

LinkedIn: LinkedIn

Working with an experienced zoning expert can help turn the limitations of zoning regulations into opportunities to inform your story. Don't reject or see it as a bother; embrace the rules and work with them to create something beautiful. If you're still looking for a property, consult an architect or realtor, gather information, and prepare to tell your story through space and experience.

JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


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